Subject and Predicate-Explanation and Quiz

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Subject and Predicate

Subject and Predicate in English


In English grammar, every complete sentence consists of two essential components: the subject and the predicate. These components work together to form meaningful sentences.

Key Definitions

Subject: The part of a sentence that performs the action or about which something is stated.

Predicate: The part of a sentence that provides information about the subject, typically containing a verb.

The Subject

The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is performing the action or being described.

Examples of Subjects

  • The cat sat on the mat.
  • My friend baked a cake for me.
  • The sun shines brightly.
  • Courage inspires people.

The Predicate

The predicate of a sentence provides information about the subject, such as what the subject is doing or what is being said about it.

Examples of Predicates

  • The cat sat on the mat.
  • My friend baked a cake for me.
  • The sun shines brightly.
  • Courage inspires people.

Simple and Complete Subjects and Predicates

A sentence can have a simple subject/predicate or a complete subject/predicate.

Simple Subject and Predicate

Simple Subject: The main noun or pronoun in the subject part of a sentence.

Simple Predicate: The main verb or verb phrase in the predicate part of a sentence.

Examples of Simple Subjects and Predicates

  • Children play.
  • The sky is blue.
  • She sings beautifully.
  • The flowers smell sweet.

Complete Subject and Predicate

Complete Subject: The subject along with all its modifiers and descriptors.

Complete Predicate: The predicate along with all its modifiers, objects, and complements.

Examples of Complete Subjects and Predicates

  • Several children are playing happily in the park.
  • The clear blue sky signifies good weather.
  • She passionately sings beautiful songs every evening.
  • The colorful flowers smell incredibly sweet in the garden.

Compound Subjects and Predicates

Sentences can also have compound subjects or predicates, which involve more than one subject or predicate.

Compound Subject

A compound subject consists of two or more subjects that share the same predicate.

Examples of Compound Subjects

  • John and Mary went to the market.
  • Dogs, cats, and birds are common pets.
  • You and I need to finish the project.

Compound Predicate

A compound predicate consists of two or more predicates that share the same subject.

Examples of Compound Predicates

  • He works hard and plays harder.
  • She cooked dinner and washed the dishes.
  • The team won the match and celebrated their victory.


Understanding the concepts of subject and predicate is crucial for constructing clear and grammatically correct sentences in English. By identifying and analyzing these components, one can improve both writing and comprehension skills.

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